Mutua MBA

Mutua MBA is an expression of the the values and principles on which every assistance activity, is based, with the strong belief of the community that promotes mutualistic principles every day.

Be a member of Mutua MBA to protect the right to health

The members represent the foundation of every mutual aid society and are an expression of the values and principles underlying every welfare activity implemented in recent years. A special section is dedicated to all our Members, in particular to the Institutions, Companies and Associations that have believed in real and concrete integrative healthcare, offering their resources valid alternatives to guarantee their health.
Only through the strong belief of the entire community and of those Members, who more than others, have distinguished themselves for having spread and promoted the mutualistic ideals of MBA, will it be possible to continue to lay the foundations for the integration between public and private.
Mutua MBA, with its Promoting Members, is honored to have contributed to conceiving, designing and implementing specific health plans for each individual need and is committed to continuing the path undertaken in the future, offering even more services aimed at protecting the most important asset, Health.

Institutional organizational chart

Click on the image to zoom

Company structure over the years

YEAR Chairman Chief Executive Officer Vice president Managing Director Managing Directors
2024 Luciano Dragonetti Andrea Mazzola Enzo Giannini - Laura Bernini
Pierfrancesco Pergoli Campanelli
Paola De Mizio
Luca Rosiello
Fabrizio Sprega
Flavio Tanzilli
2023 Luciano Dragonetti Andrea Mazzola Enzo Giannini - Pierfrancesco Pergoli Campanelli
Fabrizio Sprega
Luca Rosiello
Laura Bernini
2022 Luciano Dragonetti Andrea Mazzola Enzo Giannini Martina Spadaro Martina Spadaro
Fabrizio Sprega
Luca Rosiello
Laura Bernini
2021 Luciano Dragonetti Andrea Mazzola Enzo Giannini Cristiano Maria Vecchietti Cristiano Maria Vecchietti
2020 Luciano Dragonetti Andrea Mazzola Enzo Giannini Cristiano Maria Vecchietti Cristiano Maria Vecchietti
2019 Luciano Dragonetti Andrea Mazzola Enzo Giannini Cristiano Maria Vecchietti Cristiano Maria Vecchietti
2018 Oscar Pischeddu Andrea Mazzola Enzo Giannini Luciano Dragonetti Cristiano Maria Vecchietti
Luciano Dragonetti
Marco Marcocci
2017 Oscar Pischeddu Andrea Mazzola Enzo Giannini Luciano Dragonetti Cristiano Maria Vecchietti
Luciano Dragonetti
Marco Marcocci
2016 Oscar Pischeddu Andrea Mazzola Oscar Pischeddu Luciano Dragonetti Cristiano Maria Vecchietti
Luciano Dragonetti
Marco Marcocci
2015 Massimiliano Alfieri Andrea Mazzola Oscar Pischeddu Luciano Dragonetti Cristiano Maria Vecchietti
Luciano Dragonetti
2014 Massimiliano Alfieri Andrea Mazzola Oscar Pischeddu Luciano Dragonetti Cristiano Maria Vecchietti
Luciano Dragonetti
2013 Massimiliano Alfieri Andrea Mazzola Andrea Mazzola Luciano Dragonetti -
2012 Massimiliano Alfieri Andrea Mazzola Oscar Pischeddu Cristiano Maria Vecchietti -
2011 Massimiliano Alfieri Massimiliano Alfieri Oscar Pischeddu Cristiano Maria Vecchietti -
2010 Patrizio Napoleoni Massimiliano Alfieri Oscar Pischeddu Cristiano Maria Vecchietti -
2009 Patrizio Napoleoni Massimiliano Alfieri Oscar Pischeddu Cristiano Maria Vecchietti -
2008 Patrizio Napoleoni Massimiliano Alfieri Oscar Pischeddu Cristiano Maria Vecchietti -
2007 Patrizio Napoleoni Massimiliano Alfieri Oscar Pischeddu - -

Transparency for all members

Behavioral rules in which Mutua MBA strongly believes and which have the aim of promoting the dignity of people everywhere, but also undertaking procedures and behaviors aimed at preventing illegitimate or illicit activities, guaranteeing administrative transparency and satisfying the needs of the community.

Detailed historiography

Important events in the time of Mutua MBA.
  • 2005 – 2006

    The Sector – Development of integrative healthcare
    The study for the realization of a healthcare project is born. The reference market is the insurance sector with all the resulting limits. We decide to aim for the historical world of mutuality, but we need normative-historical references to better understand how and what to set up to bring our project to life...

  • 2006 – 2007

    Mutua – Realization studio
    After over a year of studies we moved on to a concrete phase, from here the meeting with a luminary of the Mutualistic sector in Italy led us to understand the right direction. A General Mutual Aid Society seemed like the right project, a "non-profit" therefore with a high social and welfare spirit... the constitution phase starts…

  • Dal 2007

    Mutual Institution - Mutual Basis Assistance Establishment The great "health project" was born in 2007, which until then had remained in our minds. Since its establishment, Mutua Basis Assistance had everything in order to dictate the times in the world of mutual health care and assistance to less well-off people. The right to health immediately becomes an important objective of ours...

  • Dal 2008

    Mutual Promotion Mutua Basis Assistance – Growth Projects
    In the first year of life and with the establishment of the Operational Committee, the foundations began to be laid to welcome an important community. The introduction of the figure of Promoter Member was immediately hailed as "innovative and successful" to the point that at the end of 2008 there were already over 300 Mutual Promoters, and the number of members exceeded the threshold of 700. Absolutely significant numbers... but they represented the only trial run of an organization that shortly thereafter launched the greatest sector challenge that Italian Mutuality remembers...

  • 2009

    Territoriality and Consolidation – Mutua Basis Assistance, Growth
    2009 really starts with great conviction on the part of the entire Board of Directors, the strengthening of the operational committee, the establishment of a Scientific Committee and the introduction of a direct Health Center are the symbols of this splendid year for Mutua MBA...the objective of 5,000 partners it's close now!! 2009 is also the year of the earthquake in Abruzzo and MBA launches a laudable initiative by collecting shares for the construction of a wooden house for medical-assistance use, in the full social spirit that distinguishes us. The number of Mutual Promoters rises to 600...

  • 2010-2011

    Presence in 12 regions – Mutua Basis Assistance, Innovation and Consolidation
    In this year and a half, MBA consolidates its Mutualistic leadership in the area, demonstrating true motivation towards the creation of a "Second Pillar" of Healthcare, supplementary to the public one which is increasingly on the "nail". People show attention to our subsidies, which, thanks to the facilitation of the monthly association, take off in terms of number of quotas and territorial expansion. The need arose for some Promoters, who had become Honorary Members of MBA, to set up Points in the area to carry out the increasingly important association activity. The Mutual Promoter takes on strength, capillarity and skills also thanks to the continuous work of MBA to support everyone. 2010 is the year of new operational processes and also of an improvement in communication activity with members. Each member has a reserved area on the site where they can consult all MBA documents as well as updates. The MBA also wants to pride itself as a "guardian of knowledge" and so, thanks to a personal collection and donations from members, it creates the first Italian Mutual Aid museum completely owned by the mutual society itself. There are Statutes and Regulations from 1800 to today as well as medals, pins, treaties and other historical documents. a real flagship. 2011 will be remembered as the year in which MBA began, thanks to the Research Office, to implement expansion projects at the level of large communities, the Conventions therefore being a further driving force for growth...

  • Since 2011

    Institutional Role – Mutua Basis Assistance, Mutua Evò merger and birth of ANSI
    In August 2011, MBA incorporated an important Mutua developed mainly in the North-East of Italy, Mutua Evò. Over 1,000 new members are therefore added to the MBA population. The growth assumes important proportions and the Mission of creating a true second Welfare becomes concrete in October 2011 when MBA together with the largest Health Assistance Fund CASPIE (known as the Public Employee Fund since 1979) is among the founders of ANSI Associazione Nazionale Sanità Integrative. ANSI today is a true sector institution, mentioned in various articles in Il Giornale, Espansione On Line, as well as mentioned in speeches at the prestigious Bocconi University in Milan. MBA completes the studies project on large communities leading to the "closure" of the first important agreements such as the Fiba-Cisl union and specifically the members of the participating banks…

  • Since 2012

    Integration Projects – Mutual Basis Assistance, Large Institutional Agreements
    2012 will be remembered as the year of the MBA "Health Project", a true revolution in the sector, not only competitive subsidies but also information and training in affiliated companies/associations. In March the agreement with the CRA ACEA (Rome) with over 4500 new members was the introduction to a series of important agreements which inevitably positioned MBA as the largest Italian mutual if we evaluate the growth and organization for the future. Over 1800 promoters, over 200 honorary members, a health center capable of managing over 200,000 cases per year, a population of members which between direct and indirect is close to 140,000 members, these are the numbers of MBA, the pride of Mutual Soccorso Italico. In July 2012 the prestigious agreement with the Ministry of the Interior - State Police was closed, with as many as 120,000 potential members whom MBA will contact exclusively in order to be able to increasingly spread its social mission. Health is increasingly a duty of every citizen....(the story continues)

  • June

    Health project
    With the establishment of an institutional committee, Mutua MBA, thanks to the relationships developed over the years, concludes an important "health project" with the Ministry of the Interior, involving all State Police personnel including "civilian" personnel. Not just a convention agreement but an epochal transition where Mutua MBA becomes a bearer of information directly in training schools. Information and health promotion therefore also find interest in institutions and MBA is the best interlocutor for all of this

  • September

    Increasingly strong institutional initiatives
    The institutional initiative with the Ministry of the Interior opens up relations on an even broader table: the Defense General Staff, the Carabinieri, the Army, the Navy and the Air Force, we are talking about almost 1 million people. The philosophy remains the same for MBA, the value of "Knowledge" is higher than any conventional technicality, therefore a specialized and accredited "Task Force" (to use a military term) has been created to access the facilities. This very careful work aimed at guaranteeing "quality" was agreed with the Defense General Staff also because access to certain precise "sensitive sites" is not possible. Our accredited Promoting Members are therefore working throughout the national territory to disseminate the object of the "health project", thus providing a lot of information but also membership of the Mutua.

  • September

    Mutual Merger 1886
    The MBA, after having evaluated the activity carried out in recent months by the Mutual Aid Society "Mutua 1886" in concert with the entire Board of Directors, reaches an important agreement which provides for the incorporation of "Mutua 1886" into Mutua Basis Assistance. This important "fusion" consolidates the social-welfare role that MBA is increasingly imposing in the world of integrative healthcare.

  • October

    Prevention and Information
    After 6 months of analysis, Mutua MBA and Guardia di Finanza conclude an agreement that sees "prevention" and "information" at the center of relations between the Military and Mutua. The need to have a subsidy for the protection of oneself and one's family members is of high interest. Mutua MBA receives yet another certificate of how much sensitivity is present in the world of defense and police forces.

  • November

    “Fuori confine” mutual project
    Mutua MBA and the American Embassy in Italy; thanks to intense work, we managed to finalize a very important agreement for the entire Mutua. The agreement with the US Embassy brought MBA "outside the border" for the first time, in fact our Mutua was subjected to evaluation directly in the USA. The mutual project was also presented to the consulates of Milan, Florence, Naples and Rome.

  • December

    Sardinian Mutual Merger
    Mutua MBA, after having evaluated the associative activity carried out in the territory of Sardinia by Mutua Sarda and following plans for associative development throughout the island for the future years to come, in the month of December 2012 decided on this important "merger". Mutua Sarda therefore becomes part of Mutua Basis Assistance.

  • March

    Mutua MBA obtains ISO certification on mutual operational processes

  • June

    Mutua MBA entrusts the financial statement certification to KPMG

  • June

    New important convention. Following the agreements set up in 2012 with the Ministry of the Interior, Mutua Mba finalizes another important agreement, this time with the "Fire Brigade". The importance of this goal is demonstrated by the maximum willingness shown to us by the top management to provide the right culture among the "brigade" even at the work stations or training battalions.

  • August

    The Vice President
    In August, the role of Oscar Pischeddu as Vice President of the General Mutual Aid Society Basis Assistance expires and Andrea Mazzola, already CEO, takes over on an interim basis.

  • September

    Establishment of the Cooperando category fund

  • January

    The Vice President
    At the beginning of January 2014, Mr. Oscar Pischeddu resumed the position of Vice President of the General Mutual Aid Society Basis Assistance.

  • June 2015

    Mutua MBA participates in the establishment of the Basis Foundation

  • October 2015

    Mutua MBA is one of the founding members of General Mutua, managed as a joint venture mediated by MBA

  • December 2015

    Establishment of the inter-category open fund Imprendo

  • December

    MBA entra nel CCNL degli enti bilaterali. Entrate in vigore le convenzioni sottoscritte tra Mutua MBA e gli Enti bilaterali EN.BI.F (Ente Bilaterale Federale), EN.BI.MS Ente bilaterale Metalmeccanici e Servizi) e EN.BI.C. (Ente bilaterale Confederale) che prevedono l’erogazione di prestazioni assistenziali ai dipendenti delle aziende che applicano i contratti collettivi.

  • December

    MBA incorpora FASV di Assolombarda. In data 25 novembre 2015, l’assemblea dei soci del FASV con larghissima maggioranza, ha approvato il progetto di fusione per incorporazione in Mutua Basis Assistance. Clicca qui per leggere il comunicato ufficiale

  • July

    MBA participates in the fact-finding survey on mutual aid companies with Isnet

  • October 2016

    Change of presidency. In October 2016, Mr. Oscar Pischeddu assumed the role of president in place of the outgoing Massimiliano Alfieri.

  • April 2017

    The merger project between MBA and Cardea Cassa Mutua has been approved. Mutua MBA, after evaluating the associative activity carried out in the area and following associative development plans for future years to come, in April 2017 approved the "merger" project with Cardea Cassa Mutua.

  • June

    The merger between MBA and Cardea Cassa Mutua has been approved. On 06/20/2017, the Shareholders' Meeting of Mutua Mba approved the merger by incorporation of the Società di Mutuo Soccorso Cassa Mutua Cardea.

  • September

    Mutua MBA collaborates with Banca delle Visite through its own foundation

  • March

    Participation in the Isnet project as a study office for analysis of the mutual aid phenomenon and study of trends

  • May

    MBA joins the national council of Confcooperative Sanità

  • November

    Best in Italy. In its tenth year of activity, an important recognition also arrives with the "TOP SERVICE" quality seal: Mutua MBA was in fact indicated among the best companies in its sector in terms of approval rating, reaching 61.1% of preferences and positioning in second place overall in Italy, behind General Mutua, a mutual aid company that uses the institution of mutuality mediated with the MBA itself. This was revealed by the survey conducted by the authoritative German Institute for Quality and Finance "Best in Italy, Service Champions 2018/2019", published in "La Repubblica - Affari&Finanza" which takes into consideration, through interviews and sample surveys, approximately 200,000 Italian consumers and evaluates the service of as many as 900 companies in 100 different sectors of the economy.

  • February

    The merger project between MBA and CAIPIN has been approved. The Shareholders' Meeting of Mutua MBA, on 02/07/2019 approved the merger project by incorporation into Mutua MBA, of the "Cassa Autonoma di Assistenza Integrativa between the staff of the Accident Institute – I.N.A.I.L.” in short C.A.I.P.In.

  • May

    Change of presidency. Mr. Luciano Dragonetti assumes the office of President in place of Mr. Oscar Pischeddu.

  • May

    Hearing at the XII Social Affairs Commission of the Chamber of Deputies in relation to the fact-finding survey on the supplementary health funds of the national health service

  • June

    Cassa Caipin enters Mutua MBA: this is the seventh merger by incorporation

  • July

    Registration in the Transparency Register of the Ministry of Economic Development

  • July

    Registration of the Health Italia Foundation in the Non-Profit Registry

  • August

    Mutua MBA obtains certification for the provision of fund management services and mutual aid, for members, in the health sector

  • August

    Registration in the "European Community Transparency Register". Mutua MBA is registered in the European Union Transparency Register, the largest database of organizations, with the aim of "influencing the legislative process and implementation of the policies of the European institutions".

  • October

    The General Directorate of Health Planning of the Ministry of Health confirms the renewal of Mutua MBA's registration in the Health Funds Registry.

  • October

    For the 2nd consecutive year, Mutua MBA obtains recognition from the German Institute for Quality and Finance (ITQF) as TOP SERVICE in the Mutual Aid Society sector among companies throughout Italy.

  • March

    Mutua MBA, in collaborazione con Health Italia e Banca Igea, prende parte all’avvio del Progetto “Banca-Mutua”, un nuovo canale strategico per diffondere la cultura della prevenzione attraverso dei prodotti di protezione sanitaria appositamente studiati per i soci e i clienti della Banca.

  • April

    On the occasion of the Coronavirus emergency, Mutua MBA adopts extraordinary measures for its members and decides to set aside a fund of 3 million euros.

  • June

    Mutua MBA creates Protection Care, the complete health protection system to deal with the effects of the pandemic caused by Covid-19

  • October

    Also this year the Ministry of Health confirms Mutua MBA's registration in the health fund registry

  • October

    According to the "Best in Italy, service champions 2020/2021" survey by the German Institute for Quality and Finance, MBA is among the top 3 mutual aid companies in our country, for the third consecutive year. MBA is also "Champion of Growth 2021": it is among the 400 companies with the most economic expansion in Italy in the last three years.

  • November

    Faced with the continuation of the Covid-19 emergency, MBA decides on new extraordinary measures in favor of its clients.

  • December

    The shareholders' meeting of Mutua MBA with over 800 present resolves on the transformation of the legal form into a joint-stock cooperative company while maintaining the nature of a mutual aid company

  • January

    Mutua MBA nella seconda fase della pandemia Covid-19 adotta misure straordinarie maggiormente mirate verso quei soggetti che dalla pandemia hanno avuto una reale perdita per la chiusura o sospensione della propria attività Inserite misure di telemonitoraggio, saturimetria e percorso in televisita per 10 giorni dal contagio.

  • August

    The Province of Treviso joins the National Fund for Supporting Families and Care Giver Auxilium. With a specific circular, the province invited local municipalities to spread the great opportunity presented among their employees.

  • October

    Also this year the Ministry of Health confirms Mutua MBA's registration in the health fund registry

  • November

    According to the survey "Best in Italy, champions of the 2021/2022 service" by the German Quality and Finance Institute, Mutua MBA is the best mutual aid company in our country. The survey was conducted by the German Quality Institute, the leading quality survey authority for Europe.

  • December

    Mutua MBA and AVIS intermunicipal San Pietro reach an agreement for joining the National Fund for Supporting Families and Care Giver Auxilium which will give rise to a series of meetings in the municipalities where AVIS is present.

  • December

    Mutua MBA participates in the conference on mutuality organized by AISMS and moderated by ANSI. The central theme is aimed at enhancing mutual aid towards the legislator for better protection and identification of such glorious entities. From this conference a working group was born, of which Mutua MBA is part, which will dialogue with the Draghi government

  • March

    Mutua MBA participated in the "Salute Italia" event promoted by Economy Group and held at the Assolombarda auditorium in Milan. President Luciano Dragonetti brought a message of collaboration for Integrative Healthcare, all bodies are useful for the objective.

  • April

    Mutual MBA at the Don Bosco auditorium in Milan to participate in the presentation to the workers of the ecclesiastical world the advantages of the Integrative Healthcare agreements. Impresa, Salute e Chiesa. Distant topics but that we at Mutua MBA have learned to combine by bringing Value and Values ​​to the same level.

  • May

    Mutual MBA and Federnotai in the splendid setting of the San Domenico convent in Bologna, together to raise awareness of the importance of Family Welfare through the Notaries.

  • June

    Mutual MBA present at the Senate to make a concrete contribution to the UNIMPRESA conference on post-Pandemic Welfare actions

  • July

    Mutua MBA signs a historic agreement with the "Gaio Valerio Catullo" high school to bring mutuality into the educational offer with 25 hours of training. For the first time the Mutual Aid makes culture at the 5th high school for 3 years this protocol will train young people towards a new culture of otherwise unknown welfare.

  • September

    With Mutua MBA, the Sports Bank was created to promote prevention and solidarity. A goal that allows athletes to prevent and protect their health.

Banca delle Visite Onlus

The right to health is equal for everyone

Helping those who cannot wait for the public health service or afford a paid visit or test, these are the objectives of the Visit Bank, created to help people in difficulty.


National Association of Integrative Healthcare and Welfare

Founded in 2011 by some leading general mutual aid societies and health care funds, as a response to the need for aggregation and representativeness in the Italian Integrative Healthcare sector.

Guarantees and transparency for all Mutua MBA members

The Società di Mutuo Soccorso Mutua MBA is established pursuant to the Law of 15 April 1886 n° 3818 with headquarters in the municipality of Formello, via di S. Cornelia n.9, in the province of Rome. Recognized as a Non-profit organization based on D.Lgs 117/2017.



Una rete solida e di qualità

Verified in 2016 by the Ministry of Economic Development and the Ministry of Labour, they verified that the MBA is in line with the statutory purposes of the mutual company, recording the ascertained compliance with merit.

Registered with ANSI - National Association of Integrative Healthcare and Welfare

Registered with AGCI - General Association of Italian Cooperatives

The Palasalute is the headquarters of Mutua MBA

The Palasalute is a multi-purpose structure dedicated almost entirely to the world of health and healthcare and is located in Formello (RM).

The Palasalute also houses Health Italia, a leading company in the world of supplementary healthcare, but also other important companies in the supplementary healthcare sector including Health Assistance ed Health Point, a leading company for the provision of telemedicine services with its innovative multipurpose centre Medical Care.

In the Palasalute there is also the Mutual Aid Museum and the project headquarters Banca delle Visite for the provision of medical services to people in social difficulties.

Health Italia

It promotes the culture of Health and Prevention by offering supplementary healthcare plans.

Health Assistance

Service Provider for assistance to individuals and families, offers specific solutions for companies.

Health Point

Company that provides and delivers traditional and innovative healthcare services, including telemedicine.

Health Point Medical Care

Network of multi-specialist centers that puts your well-being first.

Museo del Mutuo Soccorso

It was born from the desire to enhance the history and principles of Mutual Aid Societies.

La Banca delle Visite

A non-profit organization created to help those who cannot afford a paid visit or exam.