Clear and innovative solutions
All Mutua MBA services are simple, clear and customizable, offering guarantees and protection in the world of supplementary healthcare and the well-being of individuals and families.
Health subsidies, the right protection for individuals and families
Mutua MBA helps us understand life’s most important risks and protect e a proteggere what we love most with solutions suited to every need.
- Hospitalization with or without intervention also for day-hospital services
- Dental care and other services not recognized by the LEA
- Major surgeries
- Disability support
- Support to the family members of the deceased member
- Dependency Benefits (LTC)
- High diagnostics - Specialist visits
- Tickets
- Stem conservation facilities
- Oncological Check-Up
- Cardiovascular Check-Up
Improve quality of life and provide support to families
What characterizes the mutual aid company Mutua MBA is the breadth of services recognized through subsidies designed to improve the quality of life of members, guaranteeing privileged access to care and services through the provision of forms of support to the family in case of necessity. Mutua MBA has studied differentiated subsidies based on specific needs, to which members can join as an individual or as a family unit, including the cohabitant more uxorio, there are no age limits and no medical history questionnaire is required for access to subsidies.
For this reason, Mutua MBA firmly believes in prevention and, for years, has been enhancing its social importance as the only tool to guarantee better well-being for the community. Mutua MBA offers its members innovative services including personalized check-ups, micro and self-diagnosis systems, dental prevention, vision protection, facilitated access to stem cell conservation.
Important services available to Mutua MBA members are financial support in cases of major surgery, hospital admissions with or without surgery, diagnostics and specialist visits, reimbursement of tickets.
Great attention is also paid to social subsidiarity: Mutua MBA, through specific subsidies, provides aid in cases of non-self-sufficiency, disability, serious medical events. It promotes a correct lifestyle and supports the growth of the family and membership loyalty benefits.
Mediated mutuality, a solid relationship to protect members
Mutua MBA, equipped with a solid, stable and cutting-edge corporate structure, acts as an interlocutor for relationships with other mutual aid companies through the institute of “Mediated Mutuality“. Mediated management is based on the establishment of an associative relationship between the receiving company (associated company) and another more capitalized and structured Mutual Aid company (associating company): by virtue of the associative relationship between the two companies, the members of the associated company are beneficiaries of services rendered by the associating company.
To protect the governance stability of the associated company and to protect the economic stability of the associating company, the people assisted by the associating company are not members of the latter: however, they participate in the mutual exchange of the associating company, but limited to their own contribution contributory.
It is desirable, in general, that the associated company participates in the technical progress of the mediated management and, more precisely, in decisions relating to the realignment of the resources conferred within adequate margins in the event of a possible deficit, or the improvement of performance in case of an operating surplus and, that all the risk forecast variables are evaluated, the provision and use of the reserves pertaining to the members of the associated company itself.
Mediated management is also recognized for the management of supplementary healthcare funds.
MyMBA App convenient, fast and easy to use
MyMBA is the app that Mutua MBA has designed for all its members, who can thus access the services offered by the mutual company directly from their smartphone or tablet quickly and easily.
Scan the QR Code
To download the official app of Mutua MBA, please scan the QR Code. Once the scan is complete, you will be redirected to Google Play or Apple Store to download MyMBA app.
Mutua MBA Card, exclusive services for all members
The MBA Card is the true “member’s identity card” through which it is possible to obtain important services for oneself and one’s family. The Mutua MBA membership card represents the union between the member and the Mutua itself; a tool, therefore, that recalls values such as Belonging and Utility at the same time.
The MBA Card system uses an Operations Center that responds 24 hours a day to a toll-free number. Our card will be sent to every member who specifically requests it by joining not only the basic subsidies but also one of the many welfare plans available to MBA.
The services include the following services and assistance:
- access to the Health Assistance network of affiliated healthcare facilities;
- emergency medical services;
- support in emergency situations;
- information and reservation service;
- medical and specialist telephone consultancy;
- affiliated spa tourism and health tourism stays;
- conservation of stem and embryonic cells.